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Also enjoyed the latest episodes of ‘Ik vertrek’ and ‘Het roer om’?
5 Jun 2024

Also enjoyed the latest episodes of ‘Ik vertrek’ and ‘Het roer om’?

Also saw the ups and downs and also thought ‘Where do they get it? Who will buy a property that is out of order and in this condition? This will definitely not happen to us.".

Suddenly got the idea to leave everything behind and open that B&B in sunny Spain, because yes, life is quieter, there is less stress, we can enjoy our family more, suddenly I don't feel my rheumatism anymore, we eat healthier,.... In short, everything is better than the dreary Netherlands or Belgium. Your homeland where you suddenly don't feel at home anymore because it's so miserable! And that rain,... no, we don't need it any more. Off to Spain, the house is up for sale, resignation letter is in with your employer, and the suitcases are as good as packed.... Here we go.
Arriving in Spain, the hip estate agent is already waiting for you! An oversupply of properties and homes,.... the sky is the limit. This is where the future awaits! But... think before you begin! Let your ‘I'm leaving story’ be a success and not a nightmare.

Very quickly you find the ideal property, and that hip estate agent with his slightly too short trousers (but that's part of the deal ;)) makes you the promise that it will all be sorted out very quickly. A matter of a few weeks and you are the proud owner of your fantastic B&B, because according to the estate agent, it's all possible - it has a rental licence, he says. In the meantime, it's best to check whether that estate agent is legal and has a RAICV number (don't take the API number) because if things go wrong, that could be very important.
You, as a brand new future owner can already see yourself serving drinks by the pool, cleaning the room, making beds, preparing a delicious breakfast, you are already enjoying,.... so you close the purchase agreement and you are the lucky owner. Owner of a property with a rental licence! The cava is cold, it's all happening. Fantastic right?
Now if only that hip estate agent had taken into account that you also wish to live in that B&B. That you will emigrate with the entire family. Ah, it happens, nobody's perfect and he's a cool guy, our estate agent. He'll take care of that. It's a formality. just a paper short... Will be fine.

Well, no way!

You cannot open a B&B with a rental licence, you can only rent this property to guests as a holiday home and NOT be there yourself during their stay. So a rental licence only means you can offer your property for temporary stay to holidaymakers. 
Once someone said, but we have a habitability certificate. Of course, be happy, that you have one, but this has nothing to do with operating a B&B. This document indicates that the house has been ig built according to the planning permission granted. A confirmation, therefore, that you are buying a legal house. This document is valid for 10 years. We will come back to this in a subsequent topic.

So if you open a B&B without the correct licence or rent out rooms or flats in your Spanish home while you yourself live there with only a rental licence in your possession, you are doing so illegally. Free choice of course whether to take this risk. Are there checks? Of course, because the hotelier and the B&B who do have everything in order are not so happy with illegal practices. And those checks happen more than you think! So don't be alarmed if you get nightly visits from the competent authorities, with the guardia in their wake. Both you and your guests will be right outside on the street, hopefully getting enough time to change ou of your pyjamas and into clothes. But above all, this is an end of story, and then there you are with your expensive investment and your oh so bright future. Gone future in your beautiful B&B. 

The following day, of course, you go and pay your ‘oh-so-cute estate agent’ an angry visit, because he had to know about this.... turns out that he too does not have his RAICV registration number. So also working illegally, and there are very many like that. As a buyer, you don't have a leg to stand on! You, as a future buyer, should have checked who you are dealing with as an estate agent. 
So if you want to open a B&B, a hotel, a glamping, a camper park,... deal with the right estate agent! There are also different laws and regulations in each region. Be prudent and have everything double-checked!
For your information: obtaining a licence to turn your B&B dream into reality takes about 5 years, provided this operation also fits into the implantation plan. So, don't take any hasty decisions, starting up a B&B in Spain is definitely not as easy as it looks on TV!

If you have any questions or you are looking for a house, property, flat,...  be sure to contact us at or send us a message on 0034 634 90 54 17


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